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What Makes SME XPO Unique?

Exclusively for Business Owners

SME XPO is uniquely focused on founders and leadership teams of scaling businesses. We do not admit students or aspiring entrepreneurs, ensuring our audience consists solely business leaders seeking growth.

Curated for Scale-Up Success

Every aspect of SME XPO is designed around the key drivers of scaling up: funding, investment, talent, market access, technological solutions and more. Sponsors have the chance to align with the topics and challenges that matter most to this high-growth audience.

World-Class Conference Lineup

Our conference program exclusively features entrepreneurs who have successfully scaled their own businesses, drawing a motivated and serious audience eager to learn and invest in growth.

Guided by Industry-Leading Partners

SME XPO is a scaleup itself and is supported by an exceptional Advisory Board of strategic partners, including the ScaleUp Institute, VenturePath, EISA, Elite Business, the Evening Standard and more.

Together, they ensure the SME XPO is impactful, credible, and 100% aligned with the needs of fast growth businesses.

Best-in-Class Sponsors and Exhibitors

SME XPO is a magnet for world-class sponsors and exhibitors offering cutting-edge solutions. Joining us ensures your brand stands alongside the very best, positioned as a trusted partner for scaling businesses.

Sponsorship and Exhibiting Enquiries
